Monthly Archives: July 2013

It’s Been A Hot Minute…

I should start with everything that has gone down for me since we last saw each other, yes?

Dark Odyssey: Surrender was amazing and I am so thrilled to have been able to present with the talented and beautiful soul that is Yoseñio V. Lewis. We did a lot of good work at our workshops and I hope to go back to another Dark Odyssey event.

Had a successful and amazing time hosting the FIRST EVER PoC HOSPITALITY SUITE AT PANTHEACON. We’re working on being there next year, with more food (like we didn’t have enough?) and some room specific offerings. If you’re interested in donating to the cause, the link is here, please donate if you are so able and moved.

I am currently slated to present at CatalystCon in September. Yoseñio and I are once again co-presenting and the title is, “But Wait, There’s More! Exploring the Intersection of Race, Class, Ability and Sexuality and Desire“. Info is here.